An Offering from Nancy J: Pure joy.

December 12, 2016

Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;
            Let the sea resound, and all that is in it.
Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them;
            Let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.
Let all creation rejoice before the Lord, for he comes

(Psalm 96)

The road to joy is often littered with disappointments.

(c) Bonnie Oden

We seek the joy of Christmas in our preparation rituals:  hanging garlands, decorating cookies, wrapping presents to please.  We also have felt our spirits fall when people don’t notice how “special” you made it, just for them.  Even when they do notice, the moment passes so quickly.  We have learned the dangers of hanging all our happiness on the reactions we get from the people we love.

This Advent I am watchful for the glory.  It might come as a chorus of angels as I navigate a crowded shopping mall or supermarket.  It may be a whispered reminder as I address Christmas cards.

God with us.  Pure joy.

The moment may be just as fleeting, but the joy abides.

Nancy Jagmin
SMI Board of Directors

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An Offering from Nancy D: Cultivating Joy

December 11, 2016

Reflection on a collage…

The topic was about “cultivating joy,” something I hadn’t considered. What would cultivating this wondrous gift be like? I felt I could make more progress starting with pictures that might lead me to words, and this was the resulting collage. What did I notice?

(c) Nancy Dunkerley

My eye was drawn to the mortar and pestle, so large and central to the assemblage. Then the dancers– Girl in soft pink costume or delicate tulle, satin shoes…seems pensive. The woman in sexy red dress, dramatic flair.. seems assertive. Then the paints and brushes overlapping with a journaling hand. Then the wine glasses—fruit of the vine and work of human hands… the liturgy says “Let it become for us spiritual drink.” Then the totem pole—symbol of spirit mystery in nature and in us. Then a group gathered… If we are ever to cultivate joy, we seldom do it alone.

The medley of images—Joy, a mix of body and spirit.

Nancy Dunkerley

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An Offering from Elaine: The Greatest Gift

December 9, 2016

Luke 2:6-7

While they were there, the time came for her to have her child, and she gave birth to her firstborn son.  She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

BVM and Jesus

Wow!  Two sentences in scripture tell of the birth of one small child who came to save the world.  God’s greatest gift of love – his son, Jesus the Christ.

Two sentences.  They leave a lot to the imagination.  As I’ve contemplated the story, I see that my friend, Mary, also gave the greatest gift of love to the world that she could possibly have given.  Her “yes,” her cooperation with God, her gift of life, were a testament to her faith and love for God.

Where does your imagination on those two sentences take you?  As one of my pastors often says, “think about it.”

Elaine Weber
Spiritual Director
SMI Technology & Communications Chair

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An Offering from Nancy D: Love Does That

December 7, 2016

This poem from Meister Eckhart causes me to acknowledge some people in my life who have been a kind monk to me.


Love Does That

All day long a little burro labors, sometimes
with heavy loads on her back and sometimes just with worries
about things that bother only

And worries, as we know, can be more exhausting
than physical labor.

Once in a while a kind monk comes
to her stable and brings
a pear, but more
than that,

he looks into the burro’s eyes and touches her ears

and for a few seconds the burro is free
and even seems to laugh,

because love does
Love frees.
– Meister Eckhart

Nancy Dunkerley
Spiritual Ministries Institute

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An offering from Nancy J:Something worth hoping for

November 30, 2016

Our readings for Advent include images of being swept away or left standing in a field (Mathew 24:37-44).  During this first week of Advent, in which we are called to hopefear might be our first reaction! We are taught that perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18), but we may doubt our capacity for perfect love.  That’s where the hope comes in.

(c) Bonnie Oden

How can we hope to love the way God loves?  If we approach Advent as a time of preparation of our hearts (not just our houses), how can we open ourselves to God’s grace?  During this hectic time, nothing seems harder to come by than stillness.  Yet, if we don’t intentionally seek quiet moments, how can we ever hear the still, small voice?  That voice might remind us that God came to earth to put perfect love within reach.  Even for us.  Now that’s something worth hoping for.

Nancy Jagmin
SMI Networking Chair

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An offering from Nancy J: Chosen by God to be created and loved

July 10, 2015

Long ago, even before he made the world, God chose us to be his very own, through what Christ would do for us; he decided then to make us holy in his eyes . . . we who stand before him covered with his love. (Eph 1: 4)

(c) Bonnie Oden
(c) Bonnie Oden


I notice the contrast between the pine cones and the trees . . . so many more cones than trees.  How were the cones chosen to become trees?  Was there something special about them?  Or did they just fall at just the right time, landing on the spot that would offer the perfect combination of light, shadow, water, soil, and room to grow?


Some cones thrive and grow, but even those that lie fallow and eventually decay are part of the beauty of the created landscape.  We all are special, but our real specialness comes from the fact that we were chosen by God to be created and loved.

(c) 2015 Nancy Jagmin

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An Offering from Bonnie: Finding the Gifts in Chronic Disease

April 21, 2015

2014-7Butterflies on Blue Daisies6

‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

and do not lean on your own understanding.’

 Proverbs 3:5

I was thinking today about the many blessings I have been given in my life and God blessed me with a new insight.  Many of my blessings have come to me through living with Multiple Sclerosis over the last 37 years. I may not be able to walk tomorrow.  I may not be able to see tomorrow.  Tomorrow, my brain my not function like it does today.  This is the reality I have lived with for 37 years.

I decided early on to live a life full of gratitude for what I have been given instead of living a life in fear of tomorrow; to live a life in the sun instead of the shadows.

The MS episodes have brought me and my wonderful husband closer together.  He has always been there to hold me when I needed extra strength and when I was scared.  This melded us together as a couple until we have truly become one, as God intended.  What a blessing.

Another wonderful blessing I have been given because of MS is photography.  I call it “seeing with the eyes of God.”  Most of my MS attacks have affected my ability to see.  For example, I might wake up one morning and not be able to see out of one of my eyes.  An attack may have lasted only a few months, but I wouldn’t know that until my vision returned.  Photography has been a contemplative prayer way for God and me to communicate.  What a blessing.

I am so glad I choose to live in the sun!

(c) Bonnie Oden 2015

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An offering from Beverly: Transformation…Easter…Remembrance…

April 19, 2015

He is risen, indeed!

On the third day, Jesus arose from the dead, fulfilling the prophecies. He is Messiah, Savior, Redeemer, King of Kings, Shepherd, God with us.rolled-stone

But where were His followers on that day? They had fearfully gone into hiding, left without hope or understanding. Imagine the surprised disciples, when Jesus suddenly appeared with them in their locked room! Consider Jesus’ grace-filled love for Thomas, who needed to experience Jesus for himself. Jesus met his need with an invitation to touch His nail scarred hands and side. Thomas’ eyes were opened, as he exclaimed, “My Lord and my God!”

These disciples, ordinary men, saw the Risen Christ, received the Holy Spirit, and became extraordinary in their passionate zeal for their Messiah. Receiving a remarkable new strength and courage, they were empowered to witness boldly, to bring healing and deliverance, and to live out the truth they believed, even to the point of a martyr’s death. Transformation.

Easter. Remembrance.  Jesus Christ, Risen Savior, invites me to be with Him presently, forever. Everyday, I fall in love with Him again. Every day, a new opportunity to say, “My Lord and my God!”

(c) 2015 Beverly Middleton

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An offering from Dorothy: Known to them in the breaking of the bread…

April 17, 2015

Jesus walked unrecognized with two of His disciples on the road to Emmaus after His resurrection and was not known to them until the breaking of the bread at the evening meal (Luke 24:31). breadEach time we take communion we, too, can know Christ again and again in this sacrament. After my mother died, I was in a deep state of grief. One Sunday at the altar rail during Eucharist, I felt an indescribable peace, a profound realization that Jesus and my mother were somehow together there in that moment. He is risen, indeed! He is there in the breaking of the bread, offering His love and His grace to all who will accept the gift.

(c) 2015 Dorothy Castle

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An offering from Deborah: He lives within us all…

April 16, 2015

He is risen!birds-of-north-america_t4868

Like many others, I  draw closer to my Creator when I pause to appreciate the great outdoors.  There is just something about the overwhelming beauty and complexity of nature that seems to authoritatively proclaim His majesty.  Sadly though, much of this gift of creation is ill-used.  From global warming to overfishing and animal abuse, from the destruction of incomprehensible swaths of rainforest to massive water waste, it is a sad proclamation of how disconnected man is from his role of stewardship when it comes to caring for the environment.  And not only sad, but demoralizing and seemingly hopeless except for one very simple and very important belief: Jesus lives.  He lives within us all.  Thus, I can rely on his strength to have the courage to do my part to care for his creation.  And as I do my part, my hope grows with the reminder that Jesus’ power to save is greater than all the ills of the world combined.

(c) 2015 Deborah Bouis

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