An offering from Lil: Those who have been called

March 21, 2015

Romans 8:28

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

I remember the first time I felt called by God.  It wasn’t Paul’s lightning bolt experience.  It was, however, a lightning bolt in my heart that shattered the wall the world and I had built up around it.  My heart was so full, I thought it would burst.  grandmas adventures 010

While attending a Pilgrimage (Cursillo) 3-day weekend, I heard God’s call to me.  I am his beloved.  I heard it through the voices of those who invited me, those who loved me (and still do) unconditionally, those who take time to listen to me and truly care about my journey.  I heard for the first time how God wants a relationship with me.  All God asks of me is to glorify Him in all that I do.

After this experience I really understood how all are called by God to do the same thing.  All are called to glorify Him in all things.  If we think glorifying Him leads to violence or tearing someone down, this is false and not a correct interpretation of scripture.  Paul tells us in Romans all who love God are called according to his purpose.

All have the invitation to love God.

To know God is to love God and all of God’s beloved.

We love God by loving all of God’s children.

For God first loved me.

And God first loved you.

I am pray for all of you who are participants and staff of 4th Day weekends.  Especially North Texas Presbyterian Pilgrimage #38 this weekend.   May God’s love overflow!

(c) 2015 The Rev. Lil Smith

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